Thursday, March 19, 2009

outside of the box

I took a little jaunt down to the Canada Blooms show today for a change of pace and to get some inspiration for Spring. Thinking I was very smart missing the weekend crowd, I arrived just in time to enter the show along with 50 senior bus tours! One of these things doesn't belong here...

It was a good show, but my very favourite exhibit by far was this reclaimed freight container that has been converted into a mobile, green, and funky design office! bsq. landscape design studio has basically turned an old abandoned container into a cool, modern interior - the ultimate recycling project! And check out the roof-top deck and the green roof. What an awesome little office {or cabana or cottage guest room}! Eco-conscious + clever = love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, so cool! what a great idea.